Posle nekog vremena se ponovo družim sa blogom ;). Danas postavljam slike makete Ikarbus 512 u društvu novije makete S Coach Vulcano, o kojoj će se u narednom periodu govoriti više. Ujedno, želeo bi da kažem nešto o mojim planovima u vezi budućeg sadržaja bloga. Dakle, pošto je proizvodnja maketa malo složeniji i duži proces od crtanja, predstavljaću Vulcana kao moju poslednju završenu maketu, a u isto vreme se možete nadati i nekim crtežima rađenim u CorelDRAW X3. Do tada, tu su ove slike napravljene po veoma jakom suncu ;)
Today I post pictures of Ikarbus 512 model, and the newer model named S Coach Vulcano, which I will present more detailed in the future. Also, I would say something about my future plans regarding the blog content. So, as the production model is more complicated and longer process of drawing, will present Vulcano as my last completed model, at the same time you can expect and some drawings produced in CorelDRAW X3. Until then, here are the pictures taken by the brilliant sunlight;)
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