Da je sezona godišnjih odmora u punom jeku vidi se i kod mene na blogu, od poslednjeg posta proteklo je skoro 20 dana. Odmaralo se fino u tom periodu :) . Elem, danas Vam prikazujem crteže S coach Vulcana rađene u Corellu, i to nakon što je model napravljen, a u saradnji sa Chubura Customs iz Beograda.
Ovaj autobus je zamišljen kao model koji će pretstavljati jagodu na šlagu torte u nekom voznom parku autobuskog prevoznika. Takva egzotika omogućava vlasnicima tih kompanija da se šepure pred konkurencijom i zadivljuju svoje putnike, naprednom mehanikom sa jedne strane i udobnoscu i dizajnom sa druge.
Vulcano je za ovu priliku na slikama predstavljen detaljnije u beloj boji, zatim kao sajamski primerak sa šarama u plavoj i zelenoj boji, i na kraju kao deo flote nekada najvećeg prevoznika na jugu Srbije.
Uživajte ;)
It's holiday season, that is easy to conclude even from my blog. It's been 20 days since the last post, and I enjoyed that time on vacation :). Anyway, today I show you drawings of S coach Vulcano made in Corell, after the model was created, in cooperation with the Chubura Customs from Belgrade.
This bus was designed as a model that will impersonate in each bus fleet carriers. Such exotica allows owners of these companies to marveled competition and impress passengers, with advanced mechanics on the one hand and the comfort and design on the other.
For this opportunity Vulcano is painted in white, then there is a fair copy with patterns in blue and green, and finally as part of the fleet once the largest carrier in the south of Serbia.

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